Pastor Osley Edwards is the Director Communications and Ministerial Director of the Guyana Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
A native of the town of New Amsterdam, Berbice, Pastor Edwards is married to the beautiful Marissa, a Foreign Service Officer. God has blessed them with one daughter, Zanae.
Pastor Edwards became a member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church in 1994 and has served in various capacities within his local church, the Philadelphia Church as deacon, Elder, Lay Activities Leader, Youth Leader and evangelist to name a few.
Eventually, he was employed as a Bible Worker with the Guyana Conference in November 2000 and worked in the Berbice No.1 District for approximately 5 years after which he began his formal training for full time ministry.
Pastor Edwards holds a Bachelor of Arts in Theology and a Minor in Psychology from Andrews University and a Master of Arts Degree in Christian Ministries with emphasis in Leadership and Teaching from Griggs University.
He enjoys sports such cricket, basketball, athletics, and others. He also enjoys reading and oration.
There is a great work to be accomplished in preparation for the soon return of Jesus, and Pastor Edwards is making himself, his gifts and resources available to God to aid in the accomplishment of this work.